the real thing

Friday, April 21, 2006

so i bought a $16 rake today. I broke my martha stewart rake last week and we still have a ton of leaves to dig up out of the backyard. The other rakes at Lowe's were like $4. I was lured by the sticker on the rake.. its said "less work.. more week" and its pretty fancy.. aluminum handle and a wide, "non clogging" tines. Its made by Fiskars. I didn't know they made rakes. I tried the rake this afternoon and was.. disappointed. I'm not sure if the rake wasn't meant to be used to dig out trampled down leaves from within grass or what - but it didn't do a very good job. I think i will try borrowing the neighbors "normal" rake and see if it does better. At this point i think Fiskars should stick to scissors...


  • sorry about the rake.. so why did you change blogs. inquiring minds want to know.

    OH when I looked at your links I was suprised that it said "My OB" LOL I was getting concerned about you.

    By Blogger Penny, at 8:55 AM  

  • Sorry about the rake! I say return it if you aren't happy. What the heck? For $16 it should rake for you right? If only that was the way it was! Good luck with the leaves.

    By Blogger Tracy, at 6:14 PM  

  • Damn that Martha Stewart...cheating people out of money again!

    By Blogger Sara T, at 7:48 AM  

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